2010 Trip West

Friday, January 14, 2011

Thing 4

I finally understand what wikis are. I edited the existing wiki, and then created my own, which has to do with my parent's 5oth wedding anniversary celebration planning. It should be useful to use with my four siblings who are spread around the country. Here is the link http://chuckandcarol.wikispaces.com/.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Thing 3 Post

Please check out my website. I am really excited about getting this set up, because I would like to make the website available to my students to help them be more aware of what's going on in the classroom, and to use it a means for students to access information about my class. Eventually, I would like to have an individual calendar to access from each class, that would have a link to specific homework assignments. One question that I have is, can anyone edit a calendar that I create on Googledocs, or is there a way to block others from doing that?

I found Yola very easy to navigate and set up, once I got a little bit of help from Alicia. Thanks for your time and excellent assistance! Oh, by the way, the URL is http://mrsyoungsmathwebsite.yolasite.com/

Thing 2 Reflection

Thanks for making us experiment with Googledocs. I really feel that it is a useful and easy way to save and share data. As one of my goals through working on 17 Things is to create and maintain a website, I know that I will be able to use the things that this "thing" has taught me.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

View my slide show

Hi all, I've just created my google docs presentation. Take a look, and let me know what you think!

Thing 2 Post

I am happy to say that I have already used Googledocs, and I think that I will like continuing to become better at using it. My first document that I created was just a practice. Click here to access it.